My Membership : The Sacred Canvas

is now OPEN!!

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HeARTful Creations

Where Abstract Art & Neurographica Art become a ​vessel for liberation, self awareness and spiritual ​growth for your business as a lightworker, healer ​and coach

Hand Drawn Decorative Line

Meet Lauri

Welcome to Heartful Creations!! My name is Lauri Getlan-Watson, MEd and I ​am a certified educator and artist.

I always knew there was more to my life than the routine my life had ​become. I have gone through a lot in life to get to the place where I am today. ​While navigating two divorces, almost two years of IVF to have my children, ​financial lessons and heartbreak, my art always gave me a purpose. It was ​my outlet. My art allowed me to express myself without needing words.

As I started to dive deeper into a spiritual inquiry, I found that using art and ​my love for painting opened up a whole new world. Using Abstract Art and​ Neurographica Art as a method of expressing myself has become the door ​to opening growth and joy. I love sharing this gift with others, especially ​those in the spriitual and healing world as light workers,coaches and healers, ​so that they too can see the power in the brush in order to grow their ​businne​s​s and offer a new modality to their clients.

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Abstract Art

Interactive Journal

HeARTful Creations Opportunities

HeARTful Creations Opportunities

Group Workshops

Both online and in-person group workshops are available. These are perfect for a woman’s group, girls’ night, worship cicrcles and more.

Heartful Creations will help create the purpose and intention wanting to be set and provide an experience like no other.

Heartful Creations will bring all materials, set up and the best part...clean up!

A Woman Consulting a Nutritionist

Business Too​lbox

Are you looking to go deeper and have a ​more focused and larger toolbox as a ​coach, healer or lightworker? Lauri’s 1:1 ​sessions dive deep into the intention​ that you want to set for your business.

Offering a nurturing atmosphere I will ​show you how abstract art canprovide ​you with specific activities that you can ​pass on to your clients . You will be the ​one person in the field who can say that ​you offer something different and tap ​into all modalities for growth.

Senior Man and Little Child Holding Hands


Heartful Creations provides a variety of retreats for you to immerse yourself

in the experience.. Each retreat is geared to a specific need and uses specific art techniques to guide you. With every detail thought of, this is one experience you will want to repeat as often as possible.

Heartful Creations also travels to retreats and self-care opportunities hosted by coaches and practitioners. Lauri has provided beautiful sessions for attendees at others’ gatherings.

Special Needs Sessions

Stress and anxiety affect everyone, but are especially prevalent with our children and elderly. The times are hectic and we feel divided. This is the time healing in a creative methodology is most needed.

Through the use of Lauri’s Abstract Art and Neurographica process, your child or older loved one will be able to release the stress or anxiety that they are feeling and be able to have a strategy to take with them forever.

Book your free 20 min

consultation call

Listen to Lauri’s latest podcast interview on how Neurograhpica Art is a direct correlation to meditation

Label Design

The Sacred Canvas Membership

Fine Art Abstract Floral Painting Background
Colorful Neurographic Drawing on Paper

Discover all the ways abstract and Neurographica art can help release stress, anxiety, fear, limiting beliefs, trauma and more with monthly access to a wealth of creativity.

When you join my monthly membership you will get:

  • Exclusive Access to our Private Facebook Group
  • Monthly live workshops focusing on a different area
  • Opportunities for Q & A throughout the month
  • Freebies because I am a giver ;-)
  • A safe space to connect with like minded people and explore your creative side.

How does Abstract Art and Neurographica Art work?

Abstract Art

Neurographica Art

  • Powerful conduit for healing, offering a canvas upon which the complexities of trauma can be navigated and understood.

  • In the absence of defined forms, Abstract Art facilitates a form of non-verbal processing that is often crucial in trauma recovery.

  • As a door to self-development, abstract art encourages the artist to engage in introspection and self-exploration.

  • It is an invitation to communicate from the deepest parts of the self, often revealing hidden emotions and thoughts.

  • Challenges the artist to confront their own narrative and possibly reframe their story in a way that fosters healing and understanding.

  • Abstract art is a method to tap into intuition.

  • Bypass the analytical mind, which is so often cluttered with the chatter of everyday life, and instead engages the subconscious.

  • Unearth new insights, and a deeper connection with the self.

  • Neurographica art is an innovative form of artistic expression that intertwines the intricate pathways of our neurological processes with the creative act of drawing.

  • A conduit for healing trauma as it provides a structured yet flexible framework that allows individuals to visually map out their emotional landscapes.

  • The act of drawing one's internal experiences can bring subconscious conflicts to the surface, rendering them into a tangible form.

  • As a gateway to self-development, Neurographica is a reflective practice that encourages an honest dialogue with the self.

  • Guides creators to identify and transform limiting beliefs, unlocking personal growth.

  • Individuals can actively rewire their thought patterns, which can lead to profound changes in their behavior and outlook on life.

  • Neurographica taps into intuition by bypassing the analytical mind and accessing the more fluid and dynamic subconscious.

Book your free 20 min consultation call

Client Testimonials

Heartful Creations

Book a consultation

For more information and to develop an experience please email Lauri and request a free consultation call.

Book your free 20 min consultation call


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